The Petersen Automotive Museum in Los Angeles, CA is a must see for anyone who has even a passing interest in cars. The main levels always have some cool vehicles to check out: classics, super and hyper-cars, race cars, motorcycles, personal collections, and even a variety of different movie vehicles (it is in LA after all). The Vault is also a gold mine, it is home to much of the museum's collection that isn't on primary display, and has some wild vehicles with fascinating stories. No photography allowed though. :(

The day I visited and took these pictures they were in the middle of putting up a new movie car display with the likes of the unlabeled "Afterlife" ECTO-1 movie car, the BTF Delorian "A" car, the Tim Burton Batmobile, and a few others. I was also able to see (and spend more time in than I care to admit) the Hypercar exhibit, which was loaded with cars dripping in unpainted carbon weave. On the ground floor they had just finished the 007 Aston Martin display, the shot of the DB5 with a photo of Sean Connery's James Bond in the background is one of my favorites in this set.

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